We have a cancellation policy of 72 hours prior to bookings. Any booking cancelled within 72 hours will be non-refundable
Arrival time before bookings is and access to the room booked is no greater than 10 minutes prior to the booking. This is dependent on if there is a booking in the room before yours, please note if there is a booking in the room prior to yours you cannot access the room early.
If you require extra setup time or time to move the furniture time please ensure you book this extra required time with you booking.
You must vacate your booked room on time for when your booking end time is scheduled.
If you require extra setup or clear down time please note this is note included outside of your booking time. If you require extra time either side of your booking you must book an extra time slot prior to/after your booking.
Booking a meeting room does not grant access to you/your guests using the downstairs co-working space as a “breakout” area. This is a separate business area and you must use your booked room at any break times. if you would like a set break room at a set time, please book a second room for that set time at your time of booking.
Booking for co-working space can be done online or on the door. Booking your co-working space online will guarantee your space, paying on the door is subject to availability upon arrival, first come first served.
Mailboxes do not become active until you have provided photographic ID to us in person, please visit us at the office Monday – Friday, 9 – 5 to do so and sign your paperwork.
Standard hot drinks are free and unlimited in all packages along with cold water. Extra drinks such as can are available but must be purchased separately.
Serviced offices will be available very soon, if you are interested please contact us and we can discuss your needs go through options with you that would be suitable.
If you require bookings outside of any bookable hours online, please email us to look at options. Please note any non office/unsociable hours will be at a higher charge